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Electronic Circuit

Micro:Bit Course Introduction

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Micro:bit is an open-source single-chip microcontroller, built into a simple output / input (simple I / O) interface panel, and has a programming language using Java Script. We can use the BBC micro: bit to manufacture a wide range of products, from robots to musical instruments to smart campus applications. This small device has a lot of features, for example, there are 25 red LED lights that can transmit messages, and there are two buttons on the device that can write programs. The Micro:bit can be used to detect the movement and tell it to go in the direction. , And it has built-in Bluetooth low energy, which can connect with other devices such as mobile phones or tablets and the Internet. In the course, we will teach to write related procedures, and cooperate with different electronic accessories, so that students understand the procedures and create their own devices. Courses are conducted in the form of projects, such as fish and vegetable symbiosis projects, smart home projects, product design, etc. I hope that students can use the project as the goal and complete the product, train logical thinking and stimulate creativity, and learn some scientific principles and daily knowledge. The following is the classroom reference process, and the school can also develop a course based on its own.

Micro:Bit Aquaponics Elementary Course Information

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Micro:Bit Aquaponics Advanced Course Information

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Micro:Bit Smart Elementary Course Information

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Micro:Bit Smart Elementary Course Information



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